got no time

only few weeks to go before baby's arrival.
Super busy tending her soon to be purple nursery. been proof cleaning the walls the cabinets and everything. trying to maximize the space as much as possible with my things and her things. Now i couldn't find her baby scrapbook. maybe hidden somewhere. 

again, been busy. I know I tweeted that I will update my blog with a much cleaner look, plus cleaning my FB account too making all albums invisible ----- for now! just too many albums and its just so hard to remove one after another.

again, will blog when I finally find the time. but everything is just like a chain reaction. I've always been busy, coz I always make myself that way. lol!

First, I was busy checking ideas online for my baby shower. next, was busy checking crafts for my baby. and now since only few weeks left for me to enjoy bump I'm busy tending the nursery. scrubbing and etc., oh, I finally fixed our hospital bag but needed few things more. I haven't purchased her nappies and formula milk just in case. I'm sure the next thing I know she will be in my arms and will be busier than ever staring at her. oh, I finally washed some of her new born clothes. oh mah gee!!!! :)

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